Wednesday, March 31, 2010

15kg GONE

Lost 1.1kg this week :)
Which brings my total to 15kgs gone in 12 weeks, and means that I have lost more than 10% of my starting weight.

I'm pretty excited... I've never stuck with something long enough to lose 10% (or 15kgs) before. YAY me!!

Hope everyone has an awesome day.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Whinge and comparison photos

I really just want this to all be done.
I know I didn't get this big overnight, and it's going to take more than a few months to lose it all- but I have moments where I just want it to be over with, I want to be able to enjoy shopping, I want to be able to do things without feeling utterly exhausted afterwards.
Guess I'm just having a sook... I know that I am feeling a *bit* better in myself, and I've had a couple of comments from people- but I would like to feel like all the work I am putting in is paying off...
So back in January, I had my husband take some photos on my phone, and today I had some more taken, so I have a comparison. The weight difference in the photos is 11kg.

Excuse how disgusting my hair looks in them...I can see some differences, but don't know if it's just wishful thinking or not. Would love comments on any changes that can be seen by others.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I've just realised what I've done

I've had a few comments from friends that my clothes are getting big on me, and I know that there are a couple of things in my wardrobe that are definitely too big for me. But I've just taken my measurements and have had a real look at the results.
When I started Weight Watchers on the 6th of January my measurements were

Arms : 46cm
Hips:  145cm
Bust:  127cm
Waist:  109cm
Thighs:  88cm

I just took them again and they are now

Arms:  42cm       -4cm
Hips:  137cm       -8cm
Bust:   122cm      -5cm
Waist:   104cm    -5cm
Thighs:   78cm     -10cm

I've lost 10cm from each of my thighs   10 cm!!!!   off each thigh!!!
I know I've still got a long way to go but I'm just blown away by the numbers. Certainly helps me feel a little less sorry for myself while I curl up with a hot water bottle (TTOM)

Week 11 and still here :) and a new trophy for me

This is somewhat of a record for me...11 weeks in and I'm still here.
Lost another 0.8kg this week bringing my total to 13.9kg...and a mere 700g from my 10% goal :)

Last night I had my TAFE graduation and presentation night for my nail certificate which I finished last year. Apart from getting my certificate (with distinction ) I also won the Excellence in Training trophy. Something that I am very pleased and proud about. I won the same award for my beauty therapy certificate, however I truly did not expect to won this year as I thought there were some amazing nail technicians in my class and that I wasn't in the same league as them.

Don't really have much else to say at the moment, so will leave you all for now :)

Have a great day


ps a photo of Andrew and I that I took just before we went to the graduation last night

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Smashed it this week- week 10 weigh-in :)

After last weeks mere 200grams this week I lost a whooping 1.8kg. I actually weighed myself 3 times to make sure the scales were working properly :)
I've now lost 13.1kg in 10 weeks!
I'm only 1.5kg away from having lost 10% of my starting weight- so bring on the next couple of weeks... I say a couple of weeks because my pattern shows that next week is likely to be only a couple of hundred grams.
I was inspired by *Bitch Cakes* to take some photos of me in my underwear... however at the moment I look absolutely nothing like she does. So they won't be getting shown to anyone until I have lost more weight and have some decent comparison photos.

Hope everyone has an awesome day :)


Monday, March 15, 2010

Have you ever?

Have you ever had one of those moments where you think "stuff it"? I'm having one right now.
The kids know the after school routine... they have heard me tell them what to do when they get home from school for years. So instead of repeating myself and getting frustrated that I am being ignored, I am going to sit here quietly. Sooner or later one of them is going to ask if they can turn on the tv or turn on a computer and I am going to calmly tell them no. When they ask why, (although I'm not sure whining is actually asking) I am going to, once again, calmly tell them that they should know why.
I am not going to engage in a yelling match, I am not going to be made feel like I am a horrible unloving mother because I want them to get out of their school uniforms, unpack their school bags, do their homework or the one job they each have (that they get paid to do). Hopefully by writing this I will have convinced myself enough to follow through with my

So while I'm trying to distract myself and stay calm I will just ramble on some more....

Weightloss update.... well weigh-in isn't until Wednesday, so no news on that front, but I can tell you that I am feeling a little bit proud of myself. I'm nearing the end of my 10th week, and I am still following the plan. This is a huge deal for me. By now I would have normally given up/lost focus or just "forgotten" that I was on a diet. I know you shouldn't use the word diet- that you should be talking more in the way of "lifestyle changes" but at the moment- I'm still dieting. I still have to fight the urge to eat hot chips and gravy, to avoid the quick cheeseburger meal on the way home from shopping or have a chocolate/sugar fix when I'm quiet at work.
There are still so many habits that I have to fight to break, as well as trying to include the new habits (like drinking water) in my life.
I'm tired a lot lately too... I thought that you were meant to feel more energised as you lost weight? If I don't start to feel a bit better soon I'm going to go and talk to my doctor just to make sure everything is ok.

oohhh my husband just got home- wonder how he is going to react when he discovers the children not doing what they are meant to?

I'm going for a cuddle....


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

There's a pattern developing

Seems  I'm developing a weigh-in pattern, or rather a losing pattern.
With a loss of 200grams this week, bringing my total to 11.3kg I can see a pattern of losing under 500g one week, and losing over a kilo the next.
While I am happy to be losing, and I know that a small loss is still a loss- I would be lying if I was to say I wasn't disappointed when I weighed in and saw only a small loss.

The head game of trying to lose weight  losing weight can be really hard. Sticking to the plan, and making the right choices while trying to still live life with some kind of balance is tiring. I'm still waiting for "it" to become a habit- for making the right choices and knowing my portion sizes, to become automatic. It's time consuming having to weigh everything, and working out the points value of everything. I'm finding that I am starting to eat pretty much the same thing everyday and it is getting boring. But I'm going to stick with it, I am going to get healthy and fit.

Anyway it's time for breakfast :)


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I got a star!!

hehehe weighed in this morning, and when I entered my weight on the Weight Watchers tracker I got a bouncing star for another 5kg gone!
I lost 1.3 this week, bringing my total to 11.1kg in 8 weeks :)

Today is my daughter's 11th birthday- so I have to make a birthday cake- the good thing is, I have already worked out the points, so I can have my cake and eat it too :)

Have a great day everyone
