Wednesday, February 17, 2010

OMG OMG They fit!!!

My wedding and engagement rings fit!!!

*does happy dance*

I stopped wearing them a few years ago, told myself (and everyone else) that it was because of the setting- that it sat up too high and I was worried about things getting caught and losing some of the diamonds. But truthfully it was because they were uncomfortably tight, and when my fingers swelled- it was almost painful.

So I was just sitting here missing my husband (as you know he's away for a couple of days with work) when I thought to try on my rings. And YAY they fit!!! This is a huge deal for me.

So now I sit here with rings on each ring finger- my wedding and engagement rings on my left hand and the amethyst ring my husband got my for a birthday one year on the other.

I am sooo happy!!


1 comment:

  1. That is fantastic.

    It is good when things start to fit again. Not only clothes but jewelery and even shoes.
