Yesterday afternoon my right shoulder started to hurt, and is still sore this morning- so I am going to just stick to cardio, abs and leg weights for a couple of days. Will also talk to one of the trainers to see if there is something I am doing wrong.
Weigh-in this morning and despite not really tracking my food I have lost 600grams... which I am happy about, the scales are going back in the right direction
My ramblings while I lose weight... the triumphs and trials of losing weight, being a mum and a wife
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Still haven't missed a day
I'm happy to report that I still haven't missed a day at the gym... even today when I really didn't feel like going, I still went at 6.30 tonight after I had finished at the hairdressers.
I am starting to feel slightly more energised... only slightly though... but any improvement is good- oh and I feel like I am sleeping better.
Speaking of sleep- I'm off for a shower and then bed- busy day planned for tomorrow... have a client in the morning, then planning on going to the gym :)
I am starting to feel slightly more energised... only slightly though... but any improvement is good- oh and I feel like I am sleeping better.
Speaking of sleep- I'm off for a shower and then bed- busy day planned for tomorrow... have a client in the morning, then planning on going to the gym :)
Monday, June 21, 2010
4 days and counting...
Today was my 4th day in a row of going to the gym. :)
I knew that I had to see a client before I went to the gym, and I also knew that if I came home to get ready I would be less inclined to go back out (cold and miserable day here). So I packed my gym clothes and shoes into my bag this morning before I left the house. Even when I realised I had forgotten to pack a pair of socks I refused to let the temptation of going home get to me so I called into a supermarket and picked up a pair of socks on my way to the gym.
So I got to the gym and I was the only one in the cardio room (sweet- no one standing behind me seeing my big butt wobble) and after my 15 minute warm up (@5 kph) [program says a 10 minute workout at 4kph- but I can comfortably do the 5kph- so why not?] I headed up to the weights room. There was only one guy in there and by the time I had gotten halfway through my first rotation he left. So I was able to grunt my way through an extra set of crunches (why why do I do it to oh that's right... I want abs that are firm not this current pillow that's shoved under my skin.) Then it was back onto the treadmill for another 15 minutes- this time @ 4kph [program says 10 mins @3.5] I checked with one of the trainers as I was leaving about adding the extra time and speed on the treadmill and he said it was fine as long as I didn't push myself too far.
When it came time for my second go on the treadmill today I didn't really feel like doing it- but I just set it to beep every minute, and I closed my eyes (kept hands resting on side bars for balance) and pictured myself being fit and healthy and actually running LMAO @ the idea of me running... anyway I did that and before I knew it my 15 minutes was up and the treadmill was in cool down mode and slowing down.
I think I like going to the gym when there is no one else around :)
I have a little external motivator... if I go to the gym every day for a month I get to reward myself with either a massage or a go in the floatation tank. I'm thinking the floatation tank :)
Flotation therapy is essentially a process of placing the body into a state of total relaxation. This usually occurs in a specially constructed bath. The water has salts and minerals dissolved into the bath to enable the body to float. There are close similarities between this form of therapy and eastern techniques of meditation. Floatation therapy is really based on a single important principle. While we are active in the ordinary world, we experience stress and conflict that is incorporated into our daily routines and habitual patterns of activity. These habitual patterns often become locked into neurotic and energy depriving actions. Some people smoke, or drink to cope with this " normal" situation of anxiety and stress.
The flotation tank is a therapeutic area that breaks these habitual responses and reactions, and allows the mind and body to regenerate their natural energy without interference from the patterns of the outside world.
I think it sounds pretty cool- and there is one at the gym, so I can go after my workout when I've reached my one month mark.
Oh and I am loving my gym shoes- they are so comfortable... normally I hate shoes, but this time I went and got fitted properly and spent some money on decent shoes and now I hate taking them off (looks down- yep still have them on :) )
Anyway I do need to get out of them and go and have a shower and get the evening started... gym again tomorrow :)
I knew that I had to see a client before I went to the gym, and I also knew that if I came home to get ready I would be less inclined to go back out (cold and miserable day here). So I packed my gym clothes and shoes into my bag this morning before I left the house. Even when I realised I had forgotten to pack a pair of socks I refused to let the temptation of going home get to me so I called into a supermarket and picked up a pair of socks on my way to the gym.
So I got to the gym and I was the only one in the cardio room (sweet- no one standing behind me seeing my big butt wobble) and after my 15 minute warm up (@5 kph) [program says a 10 minute workout at 4kph- but I can comfortably do the 5kph- so why not?] I headed up to the weights room. There was only one guy in there and by the time I had gotten halfway through my first rotation he left. So I was able to grunt my way through an extra set of crunches (why why do I do it to oh that's right... I want abs that are firm not this current pillow that's shoved under my skin.) Then it was back onto the treadmill for another 15 minutes- this time @ 4kph [program says 10 mins @3.5] I checked with one of the trainers as I was leaving about adding the extra time and speed on the treadmill and he said it was fine as long as I didn't push myself too far.
When it came time for my second go on the treadmill today I didn't really feel like doing it- but I just set it to beep every minute, and I closed my eyes (kept hands resting on side bars for balance) and pictured myself being fit and healthy and actually running LMAO @ the idea of me running... anyway I did that and before I knew it my 15 minutes was up and the treadmill was in cool down mode and slowing down.
I think I like going to the gym when there is no one else around :)
I have a little external motivator... if I go to the gym every day for a month I get to reward myself with either a massage or a go in the floatation tank. I'm thinking the floatation tank :)
Flotation therapy is essentially a process of placing the body into a state of total relaxation. This usually occurs in a specially constructed bath. The water has salts and minerals dissolved into the bath to enable the body to float. There are close similarities between this form of therapy and eastern techniques of meditation. Floatation therapy is really based on a single important principle. While we are active in the ordinary world, we experience stress and conflict that is incorporated into our daily routines and habitual patterns of activity. These habitual patterns often become locked into neurotic and energy depriving actions. Some people smoke, or drink to cope with this " normal" situation of anxiety and stress.
The flotation tank is a therapeutic area that breaks these habitual responses and reactions, and allows the mind and body to regenerate their natural energy without interference from the patterns of the outside world.
I think it sounds pretty cool- and there is one at the gym, so I can go after my workout when I've reached my one month mark.
Oh and I am loving my gym shoes- they are so comfortable... normally I hate shoes, but this time I went and got fitted properly and spent some money on decent shoes and now I hate taking them off (looks down- yep still have them on :) )
Anyway I do need to get out of them and go and have a shower and get the evening started... gym again tomorrow :)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
3 days in a row so far :)
I've been to the gym everyday so far- ok so it may only be 3 days, but that is 3 more days than I did the week before.
My food intake has been all over the place, and my water intake is not what it should be- but I am trying to get back on track.
So my gym experience.... it's good fun... and although I am going everyday I am only building up to it all slowly. That said today was cardio and abs day ... as it is everyday... and I did 5 sets of 20 crunches and 3 sets of 10 reverse crunches. And since then everytime I move I am very aware of my they hurt, but that is a good thing- it means that I am working them. So far my cardio experience has been limited to the treaadmill, but that is ok... I am going to try other equipment but for now it's a brisk walk (well brisk for me) on the treadmill.
On the work front- I have been surprised at how well people are responding to the idea of me doing what I do on a mobile basis. It has been really good, and hopefully will continue the same way.
I do miss going to the salon, I miss the regular contact with people, I miss the girls I worked with, but as everyone keeps telling me- one door closes another one opens. I am trying to make myself believe that all of this happened for a reason- it still doesn't help with the hurt at how my time in the salon ended, but it does help me focus more on moving on.
Hope everyone has a good week... I have a client booked in for tomorrow morning, so I will be going to the gym after lunch. (*yay* weights tomorrow- I like weights even though they
My food intake has been all over the place, and my water intake is not what it should be- but I am trying to get back on track.
So my gym experience.... it's good fun... and although I am going everyday I am only building up to it all slowly. That said today was cardio and abs day ... as it is everyday... and I did 5 sets of 20 crunches and 3 sets of 10 reverse crunches. And since then everytime I move I am very aware of my they hurt, but that is a good thing- it means that I am working them. So far my cardio experience has been limited to the treaadmill, but that is ok... I am going to try other equipment but for now it's a brisk walk (well brisk for me) on the treadmill.
On the work front- I have been surprised at how well people are responding to the idea of me doing what I do on a mobile basis. It has been really good, and hopefully will continue the same way.
I do miss going to the salon, I miss the regular contact with people, I miss the girls I worked with, but as everyone keeps telling me- one door closes another one opens. I am trying to make myself believe that all of this happened for a reason- it still doesn't help with the hurt at how my time in the salon ended, but it does help me focus more on moving on.
Hope everyone has a good week... I have a client booked in for tomorrow morning, so I will be going to the gym after lunch. (*yay* weights tomorrow- I like weights even though they
Friday, June 18, 2010
I'm back...
So I survived, and what's more I'm going back for more of the same tomorrow... well not exactly more of the same but I'm going back and doing a full workout with a trainer (who is doing up a full program for me today). I am going to be going every day- but only doing the weights program every second day. The other day is purely cardio- just for 40 minutes or so, I can get into the routine of going every day (the gym is open every day).
I'm actually really excited- this is going to be so good for me, both physically and mentally.
So until next time, when I'll probably be bitching about being
I'm actually really excited- this is going to be so good for me, both physically and mentally.
So until next time, when I'll probably be bitching about being
T minus 50 minutes
I'm about to go to the gym ... eek!!
So because I've had a couple of weeks off track (ok so maybe more than a couple), I have now changed my weigh-in days to Friday, and will be getting back on track as of today.
Wish me luck... I will let you all know how this mornings torture goes once I am able to.
PS I at least look the part- got some new shoes :)
So because I've had a couple of weeks off track (ok so maybe more than a couple), I have now changed my weigh-in days to Friday, and will be getting back on track as of today.
Wish me luck... I will let you all know how this mornings torture goes once I am able to.
PS I at least look the part- got some new shoes :)
Monday, June 14, 2010
new beginnings..... because I need to end all the bad news
Well I haven't stepped on the scales for a couple of weeks, I haven't tracked and quite frankly I haven't really given a damn.
There has been so much bad news surrounding me lately that I have dealt with it in the worst possible way - and that is by comforting myself with food.
If the bad news had only been one or two things I think I could have coped alright, but the last couple of weeks have included:
*our computer blowing up
*our car being smashed in a carpark (this happened my first day back at work after having bronchitis)
---- and now for the really shitty news----
*a dear friend losing her baby girl at fullterm
*family friend passing away
*being told there is a very high chance that my husband has thyroid cancer
*and then culminating in me receiving a TEXT message on Saturday morning informing me that the salon I was working out of no longer requires my services and that I had until the close of business that day to remove my belongings!!
So I have had a lot of crap going weight watchers has been the last of my concerns. But that is about to change.
I start at the gym this Friday *YAY* so I will have an outlet other than food to turn to. And lets face it, I'm going to have more free time to go to the gym now LOL
In regards to work, I have already spoken to most of my regular clients and I will be offering a mobile service- which they seem pretty happy about. And I have picked up a casual job in a coffee shop.
Well I just wanted to update you all on what has been going on... hope you are all well
There has been so much bad news surrounding me lately that I have dealt with it in the worst possible way - and that is by comforting myself with food.
If the bad news had only been one or two things I think I could have coped alright, but the last couple of weeks have included:
*our computer blowing up
*our car being smashed in a carpark (this happened my first day back at work after having bronchitis)
---- and now for the really shitty news----
*a dear friend losing her baby girl at fullterm
*family friend passing away
*being told there is a very high chance that my husband has thyroid cancer
*and then culminating in me receiving a TEXT message on Saturday morning informing me that the salon I was working out of no longer requires my services and that I had until the close of business that day to remove my belongings!!
So I have had a lot of crap going weight watchers has been the last of my concerns. But that is about to change.
I start at the gym this Friday *YAY* so I will have an outlet other than food to turn to. And lets face it, I'm going to have more free time to go to the gym now LOL
In regards to work, I have already spoken to most of my regular clients and I will be offering a mobile service- which they seem pretty happy about. And I have picked up a casual job in a coffee shop.
Well I just wanted to update you all on what has been going on... hope you are all well
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Weight loss has slowed... and so maybe has my motivation :(
I really don't know what's going on lately... my weight loss has slowed down - at least I still haven't had a gain. But it still isn't very encouraging or motivating.
See I have figured out I am motivated by results- but they need to be good ones, the more I see the scales go down, the more I want them too. But the last few weeks I haven't seen them going down much and I am feeling like just going "stuff it" and reaching for anything that would make me feel better.
And there's the flaw in my plan... that's what I use to do... that is what got me the fat arse I am so desperate to lose. If I keep doing what I use to do, then it only goes to reason I will keep getting the results I use to get.
I know I've been sick the last few weeks, but I'm feeling better now- so I can't use that as an excuse.
There really isn't any excuse... I've started getting compliments, and when people ask how much I've lost and I proudly tell them I've lost 20kg since January- why isn't that enough to keep me motivated? Why isn't that enough to keep me on track?
I need a good kick up my substantial butt and I need to get back to doing what I know works.
So today I will :
* drink all my water (I'll admit now that I haven't been drinking as much as I should be)
* stay away from the chocolate that seems to have taken up residence in the fridge at work
* eat vegetables for lunch
* go to sleep sometime before midnight.
Right now however I need to get ready for work, I need to put on my face and get over to the salon.
See I have figured out I am motivated by results- but they need to be good ones, the more I see the scales go down, the more I want them too. But the last few weeks I haven't seen them going down much and I am feeling like just going "stuff it" and reaching for anything that would make me feel better.
And there's the flaw in my plan... that's what I use to do... that is what got me the fat arse I am so desperate to lose. If I keep doing what I use to do, then it only goes to reason I will keep getting the results I use to get.
I know I've been sick the last few weeks, but I'm feeling better now- so I can't use that as an excuse.
There really isn't any excuse... I've started getting compliments, and when people ask how much I've lost and I proudly tell them I've lost 20kg since January- why isn't that enough to keep me motivated? Why isn't that enough to keep me on track?
I need a good kick up my substantial butt and I need to get back to doing what I know works.
So today I will :
* drink all my water (I'll admit now that I haven't been drinking as much as I should be)
* stay away from the chocolate that seems to have taken up residence in the fridge at work
* eat vegetables for lunch
* go to sleep sometime before midnight.
Right now however I need to get ready for work, I need to put on my face and get over to the salon.
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