I've been to the gym everyday so far- ok so it may only be 3 days, but that is 3 more days than I did the week before.
My food intake has been all over the place, and my water intake is not what it should be- but I am trying to get back on track.
So my gym experience.... it's good fun... and although I am going everyday I am only building up to it all slowly. That said today was cardio and abs day ... as it is everyday... and I did 5 sets of 20 crunches and 3 sets of 10 reverse crunches. And since then everytime I move I am very aware of my abs...lol... they hurt, but that is a good thing- it means that I am working them. So far my cardio experience has been limited to the treaadmill, but that is ok... I am going to try other equipment but for now it's a brisk walk (well brisk for me) on the treadmill.
On the work front- I have been surprised at how well people are responding to the idea of me doing what I do on a mobile basis. It has been really good, and hopefully will continue the same way.
I do miss going to the salon, I miss the regular contact with people, I miss the girls I worked with, but as everyone keeps telling me- one door closes another one opens. I am trying to make myself believe that all of this happened for a reason- it still doesn't help with the hurt at how my time in the salon ended, but it does help me focus more on moving on.
Hope everyone has a good week... I have a client booked in for tomorrow morning, so I will be going to the gym after lunch. (*yay* weights tomorrow- I like weights even though they hurt...lol)
I'm so impressed with your positive outlook. You will soon we slim, hot and bloody strong!!