Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Still haven't missed a day

I'm happy to report that I still haven't missed a day at the gym... even today when I really didn't feel like going, I still went at 6.30 tonight after I had finished at the hairdressers.
I am starting to feel slightly more energised... only slightly though... but any improvement is good- oh and I feel like I am sleeping better.
Speaking of sleep- I'm off for a shower and then bed- busy day planned for tomorrow... have a client in the morning, then planning on going to the gym :)


  1. Excellent progress. When you don't feel like going, just think about that flotation tank. I want to hear about that - sounds awesome.
    I know I sleep better with exercise I also snore a lot less due to the weight loss. My husband is very thankful about that!

  2. Well done Bella; that is true commitment for you!!
